To thank you fortrusting usandfor your loyalty, we launchedtheloyalty points.
OurReward PointProgramis as simple aspossible.Byshopping atCrakottineYouearnLoyalty Points.
Havingaccumulatedpoints,you will be ableto exchange themagainstcouponsusable on theshopCrakottine.
Once acquiredanumber ofdefined point, you will receiveby emaila promotional codethat will allow youto redeem your pointsagainsta reduction.
-500points = 5 euros
-1000points = 10 euros
-1500points = 15 euros
1eurois 5points.
Number of points tomakewhen openinga client account: 10 points
Number of pointsto givethe sponsorwhen agodsonhas placed this order: 20 points
Number of pointsto give thegodsonwhen hehas placed this order: 10 points
Do nothesitate tosend us an emailto give usthe name (nickname)of the personsponsored(avoidmistakes).
TheReward PointProgrambeganTuesday, October 11, 2011.All purchasesmade after that datewill earn points.
You mustlog into your account tocheck the status ofyour points.
Participation in theshippingdoesnot apply to theloyalty program.
Thereward pointsare awardedto customersandregistered membersinCrakottine. Loyalty pointscanbe used foronline purchases.These points areusedas inCrakottine. Thereward pointsarenon-refundable andcan not betransferred betweenmembers. Loyaltypointsare avirtual currencyusedin the process ofpaymentof your orders.
For questionsregarding ourReward PointProgram, pleasecontact us
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